Have Something to Write?
Ghostwriting Gurus
Will Write it Right!

Coming Soon from Waterside Productions

Coming Soon from Waterside Productions
TO HELP YOU WRITE a book, script, or something else?
Whether you don’t have the time, interest, or ability, a writer can do it for you. And you have full rights to any material created.
A writer/ghostwriter can also revise, edit, and help you develop your ideas or brainstorm new ones at any stage of the writing process.
At GHOSTWRITING GURUS, we can help you find publishers, agents, book reviewers, or film producers, too.
We can additionally write press releases and video copy, and you can also use what we have written to promote yourself or your business. We have contacts with publicists and social media experts who can help.
Our lead ghostwriter is a time-tested pro who has published over 200 books, 50+ with traditional publishers, and has written and executive produced 18 films. She has received 180 awards for her scripts so far from film festivals around the world.
We help clients with ghostwriting all types of materials, specializing in books, book proposals, scripts, and other services to help them publish, produce, and promote their material; increase their visibility, credibility; and grow their business.
Here are some of the things
we can write and create for you:
Books & Proposals
Film Scripts
Marketing Materials
Press Releases
Show Bibles
Sizzle Reels
Online Course Materials
Once your book is complete, we can additionally help you with:
- Self-Publishing
- Finding publishers, agents or producers through PublishersAgentsFilms
- Promoting and publicizing your work to traditional and social media through the publicity pros we work with

Our lead ghostwriter
Gini Graham Scott, PhD, has published over 200 books, 50 with traditional publishers, and written and executive produced 18 feature films, documentaries, and episodes for TV/Film series.
She is the author of How to Find and Work with a Good Ghostwriter and Ghost Story. She is a member of many publishing and writing organizations, including the Association of Ghostwriters, the Associational of American Journalists and Writers, the Independent Book Publishers Association, the Bay Area Independent Book Publishers Association, and the Alliance of Independent Authors
We can provide a detailed assessment about:
- The viability of your project as a book or film
- Whether you should contact publishers or agents, or publish your book yourself
- How to best turn your rough draft into a book or script
An introductory review costs $350 and may include an edit of one or two pages of your rough draft of script, if a revision is recommended.
If you need writing or rewriting, you can figure on about .30-.35 a word, though the cost may be less, since we work on an hourly basis.
We start with an advance of $1000 payable by credit card or PayPal. Then, you can see what has been done and can give us a go-ahead to do more.
You can communicate with us as you prefer — by email, phone calls, or Zoom.
We can also help you with….
• Finding a publisher, agent, or film producer
• Publishing your book yourself
• Promotion through traditional or social media with publicity and social media pros
• Creating promotional videos
• Finding illustrations or photos for an illustrated book or children’s picture book
Contact Us
Bobbi Randolph
Writing Projects Coordinator